Latest Update: crucible (2024-12-17)
In the park we circle the big loop bathed
in the piercing sun's last rays, riding
warm nostalgia waves through woods.
We cast our spells; we weave our future
of words. We cling to moments
as if they could be held,
hope warm like Christmas morning, exploring
possibilities waiting like treasures:
the house we saw and claimed. We made
an offer, the promise of a life together.
Air tingling, we pull the threads. We pluck
memories from air as evidence of fate -
a home of our own, the new start
we've always dreamed of - and we stagger
out of our dreams into the easement
when I get the call: our offer accepted.
A warm breeze sifts through us,
carrying away our doubts, carrying
us to the bench under the pavilion
where we'd sketched the outlines a year ago,
and now we kiss and watch the old day burn,
reflecting off the lamp-spotted lake.
We construct timelines from our excitement,
but life is moving beyond our reach.
She turns to me and asks,
Do you think we’re going to wrinkle together?
I say yes, and we descend
to the lake's edge where she balances on rocks,
just her and black space
and the sharp moon
and burning Venus and Mars
hanging over her head.
I wonder out loud if I am dreaming.
We were.
We didn't want to wake up yet.
The fragilest dreams are the best.
They shatter, and their fragments shine
and slice like diamonds.